Fr Anthony Giampietro, CSB
Grattan T Brown
Grattan Brown is a Catholic theologian who has written about social ethics, bioethics, and education for 25 years. He has published articles in the National Catholic Register, National Review Online, Public Discourse, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, and The Journal of Clinical Ethics. He researched religion and public policy at the American Enterprise Institute (2001-2004, Washington, […]
Catherine Peters
Catherine Peters is a tenured associate professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, California). She specializes in medieval philosophy, with a particular focus on the thought of Thomas Aquinas and Avicenna. She completed her undergraduate studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan and her graduate studies at the Center for Thomistic […]
Joseph E Davis
Joseph E. Davis is Research Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia and Director of the Picturing the Human Project of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture. His research explores the intersecting questions of self, morality, and cultural change, with a focus on medicine and psychiatry. His most recent book is Chemically Imbalanced: […]
David Deavel
David P. Deavel is Associate Professor in and Chairman of the Theology Department at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. He has a B.A. in English and Philosophy from Calvin University and M.A. and Ph.D. from Fordham University in Historical Theology. A former Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, the 2013 winner of […]
Fr John Gavin, SJ
Fr. John Gavin, S.J., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. He specializes in Patristics. He is the author, most recently, of Mysteries of the Lord’s Prayer: Wisdom from the Early Church (CUA Press, 2021) and the forthcoming Growing into God: Christian […]
Joshua Hochschild
Joshua Hochschild is Professor of Philosophy at Mount St. Mary’s University, where he also served six years as the inaugural Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. His primary research is in medieval logic, metaphysics, and ethics, with broad interest in liberal education and the continuing relevance of the Catholic intellectual tradition. He is the […]
Elizabeth R Kirk, JD
Elizabeth R. Kirk is an Assistant Professor at The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, where she also serves as Co-Director of its Center for Law and the Human Person. Elizabeth’s scholarship focuses on law and the family, including issues such as parental rights, reproductive technologies, abortion jurisprudence, and child welfare and adoption. […]
Siobhan Nash-Marshall
Siobhan Nash-Marshall is a Professor of Philosophy and the Mary T. Clark Chair of Christian Philosophy at Manhattanville University in New York. A prolific author, her latest publications include George (2022), that has been translated into Italian, The Sins of the Fathers: Turkish Denialism and the Armenian Genocide (2018), that has been translated into Italian […]
Catherine Ruth Pakaluk
Catherine Ruth Pakaluk is an American economist and social philosopher at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DCatherine Ruth Pakaluk is an American economist and social philosopher at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Pakaluk is author of the acclaimed ethnography Hannah’s Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth (Regnery, […]