Regular Membership

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Your $75 annual membership includes:

  • Print editions of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly
  • Complete access to all online back issues of the Quarterly
  • Opportunities to connect and share your research
  • A personal profile in our directory of scholars
  • A platform to post job openings and invite others to events
The purposes for which the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars is organized are the following:
  1. To form an association of Catholic scholars in various disciplines who wish to serve Jesus Christ better by helping one another in their scholarly work and by putting their abilities more fully at the service of the Catholic Church;
  2. To form a true fellowship of scholars who:
    • Wholeheartedly accept and support the renewal of the Catholic Church undertaken by Pope John XXIII, shaped by Vatican II, and carried on by subsequent pontiffs;
    • Who accept willingly in faith both the defined teachings of the Catholic Church and those teachings proclaimed by the Church’s ordinary and universal magisterium in the sense in which they have been believed and taught by the Church;
    • Who acknowledge also their duty to adhere with religious assent to those teachings which are authoritatively, even though not infallibly, proposed by the magisterium of the Church in accordance with Vatican Council II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium 25 and Ad Tuendam Fidem;
  3. To identify qualified scholars and invite them to membership in the Fellowship;
  4. To facilitate communication among scholars in support of Catholic teaching and of the Church’s magisterium through publications, individual and shared scholarly work, lectures, conferences, and the like;
  5. To clarify questions regarding the magisterium and its various teachings;
  6. To identify special competencies and interests among the members and to enlist such competencies in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research;
  7. To form and provide panels of scholar-members to perform critical evaluations of various responses to Catholic teaching;
  8. To respond appropriately to requests by bishops and other Church officers, Vatican officials, and other Church leaders for scholarly support of the Church's teachings;
  9. To provide experts and speakers in public forums as required to explain, support, and defend the teaching of the Catholic Church;
  10. To organize and to provide forums for scholarly analysis of magisterial documents in the press, in lecture rooms, or in magazines, scholarly journals, symposia, books and other publications, including the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, and in other appropriate ways;
  11. To respond to the needs of the People of God for competent presentation of Catholic teaching in suitable ways;
  12. To promote and advance Catholic faith and culture in society in accordance with the mind of Christ as authoritatively interpreted by the magisterium of the Church.