Five Decades of Catholic Fellowship
Founded in 1979, the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars exists to serve Jesus Christ by helping scholars and professionals to put their intellectual life more fully at the service of the Catholic Church. The Fellowship draws members from many academic disciplines and professions—from theology and philosophy to the arts, social sciences, law, and the sciences.
Lectures, Conversations, Friendship
Lifelong intellectual friendships have often formed among Fellowship members. Committed to the highest scholarly standards, the Fellowship’s Annual Convention brings together academics and professionals convinced that “faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth” (Fides et ratio).
Continue the Conversation in the Written Word
Read and contribute to our long-standing, peer-reviewed Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly and our series Teaching the Faith, commentaries on the Sunday Mass readings written by Catholic scholars from across the disciplines.
From Fellowship Statement of Purpose
Get This Month’s Five Free Articles
Enjoy a hand-picked sample from “Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly.”
Professional Development
- Present a paper at our annual convention
- Introduce your scholarship to seasoned Catholic scholars and mentors
- Publish in our long-standing journal
- Opportunities for mentoring and valuable peer feedback
Christendom College invites applications for a full-time position to begin Fall 2025.
Join us for our upcoming 2024 Convention at The Catholic University of America.
This book covers almost every aspect of American law and holds them up to Catholic
Become a Member Today
Live the Catholic intellectual tradition together. Join the Fellowship to get articles, event info, and job opportunities.